Knowledge Is Power
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Connect with a mental health professional for information and guidance
Losing a loved one, getting fired from a job, going through a divorce, and other demanding situations can lead a person to feel sad, lonely, scared, nervous, or anxious. These feelings are normal reactions to life’s stressors. However, if these feelings persist for over a two-week period with little to no relief and begin to impact work, family, and daily functioning negatively, it is probably time to seek help. Depression is most likely due to a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors.
To help you determine if you may be struggling with depression, we have included a link to a short questionnaire to check your symptoms. Click on the button below to take the Depression Symptom Checker From MD-CALC.
This screening is not meant to diagnose a mental health condition but to provide information about symptoms. Contact us if you would like to be connected to a licensed counselor who is able to provide an accurate mental health diagnosis and treatment.
The term “anxiety disorder” refers to a pattern of extreme fear or worry toward unknown events, outcomes, or specific places and objects. It is common to experience nervous energy in response to life events such as applying for a new job, preparing for a presentation, or perhaps having a medical procedure. Many people also have some level of worry when thinking about practical issues like money or health conditions. It is normal to experience varying degrees of anxiety in response to life stressors. But if these feelings become so overwhelming that they interfere with activities, work, or important relationships you may have an anxiety disorder and could benefit from therapy to address your patterns of excessive worry.
To help you determine if you may be struggling with anxiety, we have included a link to a short questionnaire to check your symptoms. Click on the button below to take the Anxiety Symptom Checker From MD CALC:
This screening is not meant to diagnose a mental health condition but to provide information about symptoms. Contact us if you would like to be connected to a licensed counselor who is able to provide an accurate mental health diagnosis and treatment.
Trauma is defined as an experience that occurs in a person’s life that is physically or emotionally harmful. Examples include child abuse, sexual or physical assault, witnessing violence, disasters, serious accidents, scary medical procedures, or the sudden death of a loved one. Traumatizing experiences shake the foundations of our beliefs about safety and can shatter our assumptions of trust. Because the situation is far outside our everyday experiences, these events provoke reactions that feel strange and can leave a person feeling “out of control”. How a person responds is as much about the internal processing of a stressful and difficult situation as it is about the circumstance that resulted in the trauma. What might traumatize one individual might not affect another as profoundly.
To help you determine if you may be struggling with a trauma related disorder, we have included a link to a short questionnaire to check your symptoms. Click on the button below to take DSM-5 Criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder from MD-CALC.
This screening is not meant to diagnose a mental health condition but to provide information about symptoms. Contact us if you would like to be connected to a licensed counselor who is able to provide an accurate mental health diagnosis and treatment.
Contact us, and we will work to match you with a therapist trained to meet your specific counseling needs.